Monitoring your baby's growth is an important way to ensure that they are healthy and developing properly. There are many reasons why you should monitor your baby's growth at home, including:

1. You can catch problems early.

2. It's convenient.

3. It's affordable.

4. It's a bonding experience.

Monitoring your baby's growth at home is a crucial part of being a parent. It allows you to ensure that your baby is developing properly and catch any problems early on. Additionally, it's convenient, affordable, and can be a bonding experience for you and your child.

1. You can catch problems early.

One of the most important reasons to monitor your baby's growth at home is that it allows you to catch any problems early on. This is especially important if there are any health concerns in your family history. By tracking your baby's growth, you can be sure that they are on track developmentally and get help if they're not.

2. It's convenient.

Another great reason to monitor your baby's growth at home is that it's convenient. You don't have to make a special trip to the doctor just to have them weighed and measured - you can do it right at home! This is especially helpful for busy moms who might not have otherwise been able to fit it into their schedules.

3. It's affordable.

Monitoring your baby's growth at home is also more affordable than going to the doctor for regular checkups. While you will need to buy a good quality scale and tape measure, you'll still save money in the long run by avoiding those costly doctor visits.

4. It's a bonding experience .

Finally, monitoring your baby's growth at home can be a great bonding experience for you and your child . It's a chance for you to cuddle them close and spend some quality time together . Plus, watching them grow and change before your eyes is an amazing experience that you'll never forget .


Monitoring your baby's growth at home is an important way to ensure that they are developing properly . There are many great reasons to do it , including that it allows you to catch problems early , it 's convenient , it 's affordable , and it 's a bonding experience . So what are you waiting for ? Start monitoring your baby 's growth today, check out my suggestions for top rated baby scales here.