Everyone wants a well-behaved dog, but not everyone knows how to get their furry friend to sit, stay, and come on command. If you're currently Googling "what is the best dog training method," you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we'll break down four common dog training methods to help you figure out which one is best for your pup.

1.Positive Reinforcement Training

This type of training relies on rewarding your dog for good behavior. For example, if your dog sits when you ask them to, you would give them a treat or some kind of positive reinforcement. The key with this method is to be consistent with your rewards - if you only give your dog a treat sometimes when they obey a command, they'll get confused and won't understand what they did to deserve the treat.

2.Clicker Training

Clicker training is a variation of positive reinforcement training that uses a small device called a clicker instead of treats to reinforce good behavior. When your dog does something you've asked them to do, you click the clicker and then give them a treat. The click sound becomes associated with getting a reward, so over time your dog will start obeying commands in order to hear the click and get the treat.

3.Negative Punishment Training

This type of training involves withholding something your dog wants in order to discourage bad behavior. For example, if your dog jumps on you when you come home from work and you don't give them attention, they'll eventually learn that jumping gets them ignored instead of loved - and they'll be less likely to do it in the future.

4.Dominance-Based Training

Dominance-based training (also known as alpha wolf training) is based on the belief that dogs are pack animals and that humans need to establish themselves as the "alpha" in order to gain their obedience. This often involves using corrective measures such as leash jerks or alpha rolls (rolling your dog onto their back and holding them there) when they disobey commands - which can be confusing and scary for dogs, and might lead to aggression or other behavioral issues down the road.


There are a lot of different dog training methods out there, but not all of them are created equal. When choosing a method, it's important to consider what type of learner your dog is, what behaviors you're trying to discourage or encourage, and whether or not you're comfortable using corrections during training sessions. Hopefully this blog post has helped you narrow down your choices!